The Master of Wow welcomes you…
Greetings brave blog searcher, I am the Master of Wow.
After years of careful meditation on a lofty mountain top with nothing to eat but rocks and no company but an untalkative spider I have honed my skills to become a sensei of great service. Like the gregarious dolphin I recognised a kindred spirit in 32Red, a company that walks the way of service enlightenment.
Greetings brave blog searcher, I am the Master of Wow.
After years of careful meditation on a lofty mountain top with nothing to eat but rocks and no company but an untalkative spider I have honed my skills to become a sensei of great service. Like the gregarious dolphin I recognised a kindred spirit in 32Red, a company that walks the way of service enlightenment. They understand that it is you who are a big deal. So I have joined them to create a casino like no other, a gaming nirvana where loyal and fragrant customers like yourself can enjoy the pinnacle of play.
Like the fortunate badger it is my most honourable pleasure to welcome you all to our new blog. As a lover of all things digital, I have chosen to write my first blog entry from the cloud. It is currently floating high above the glorious 32Red office, ready to rain down bonuses on fortunate players. I am certain that this blog will be like a temple of wow. A treasured place of the new and the incredible, where like the unashamed naked mole rat many secrets will be revealed and fascinating subjects will be laid bare.
We shall be inviting wise gaming industry gurus to blog here and of course getting your learned opinions on the best games ever to grace an online casino.
Like the arctic fox that went on the Weakest Link, we will also be offering many great and exclusive offers, promotions and competitions that will make your heart sing like the great Celine Dion.
With my gifts of preconception, precognition and pre-raphaelite art appreciation I sense we will become great friends.
I humbly suggest, like the inquisitive llama that you come back here often to see what is new and exciting in the world of 32Red.
The Master of Wow